Saturday, March 6, 2021

Asparagus Soup from Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal

Sheldon made me this super healthy asparagus soup yesterday for date night dinner.  Taste wise it was a bit plain but he used water instead of the liver rescue broth.  I will definitely try this again with the broth instead of water next time.  Anthony Williams says to not use store bought broth because they usually have too much salt and or they contain natural flavorings which is another form of MSG so not good for the body.

 I had my upper right #3 tooth extracted on Thursday and when I read that asparagus provides a wealth of flavonoids, that are highly anti-inflammatory: they act as natural aspirin,  I knew I needed more asparagus in my life.  I juiced all the stalks from a 2 lbs. bag of asparagus from Costco. (I cut off the top 3 inches for the soup). I also added 3 organic Fuji apples, about 3-4 inches of organic fresh ginger and 1lb of Brussel sprouts.  Oh my, this tasted pretty gross but I knew both asparagus and Brussel sprouts are both excellent organ cleaners and super good for my liver.  Since liver health is going to help me fight cancer I ignored how gross it tasted and just drank it down.  There was about 35 ounces of juice, so no easy task, ugh!  I do think it helped with my tooth pain too.  My tooth is still mildly hurting (Saturday night) but the night I drank the asparagus juice it was very uncomfortable , even after taking 1200 mg of Motrin and waiting for two hours (I accidently took two of the 600 mg pills I was prescribed). Maybe a half hour or so after drinking all of the juice my tooth was noticeably less painful.  I haven't taken any more of the Motrin but have relied on Turmeric and asparagus to manage the tooth pain.  I have been very tempted to use the Motrin but after spending so much time, energy and money trying to detox my Liver I hated to use any more Motrin.  In his book Liver Rescue, Anthony Williams says anti-inflammatories spread out among all three levels of the liver.

Asparagus contains phytochemical compounds such as chlorophyll and lutein that act as critical organ cleansers. They get deep into organs such as the liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys, scrubbing out the toxins they find there. Chlorophyll bonded to amino acids such as glutamine, threonine, and serine provides an avenue for heavy metal detox. What’s more, some of the phytochemicals found in asparagus are toxin inhibitors (a fact as yet unknown to science). This means that once toxins such as pesticides and heavy metals have been driven out of the organs, these specialized phytochemicals stay behind and repel new toxins from taking up residence there. This toxin inhibition makes asparagus an amazing tool for battling virtually every variety of cancer.

read more about the miracles of asparagus here:

This link also has a recipe for asparagus soup that is from the Life Changing Foods book.  It has olive oil and almonds as part of the recipe so not a recipe to use if you are doing any of the cleanses but I bet its a whole lot tastier than the first links recipe.

Thursday, September 26, 2019


David practicing his swimming

Showing Lizzy her pictures

Rachel Off to Work at Spaghetti Factory

I love this girls face!  It took some wearing her down with asking but here Rachel is right before going to work at Spaghetti Factory.  She braided her hair and looked so cute I  finally got her to let me take a few pics.  

Thursday, September 12, 2019


We watched fundamentals of photography episode 4 on aperture, 
 Making the background blurry was what we were going for.
Photography is much more complicated than it looks!

Back to Blogging For Real this Time

It's been so long since I cared about this blog... Of course I wish I would've kept it up but I didn't.  Only Rachel and David are left at home and it's Rachel's last year of high school.  I want to remember this year!  Next year David more than likely will be alone at home because Rachel has plans to go to BYU-Idaho, let's hope anyway.  David wanted to take photography for an elective so I have big plans to post at least weekly with the best of the pictures from his class.  I've written this goal down now so it is official.
I love this girls face even though it always seems to have a half annoyed look on it.  17 is such a hard age to be.   Who ever first said that youth is wasted on the young was so right! 

David, at 14 he's a sweet boy for the most part, if he would stop procrastinating his school every day life would be good,  Only four more years of home school as he starts his freshman year of high school this year.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Love My Sweet Rachel

Rachel curled her hair so of course we had to take 
pictures because she looked so pretty!

 Pink inpatients still going strong since the weather has had lots of rain but no freezing temps yet.

Rachel making a poolside wish :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Great Picture Idea That Wasn't So Great...for Rachel Anyway.

Julia 16 and Jared 18
Julia had a great idea to take a picture with everyone sitting on top of this stone wall... 
 They tried to get Rachel up first
 Then Jared next-
 Rachel started screaming that she was going to fall which Jared seemed to think was funny-
 Posing as Rachel continues to scream-
 Finally decides to help her but is too weak from laughing-              

David. cheering Jared on as he tries to get 
Rachel to stay on the wall-

 Rachel wanted down but David was happy to get up-
 Brothers on the wall together
Looking at the beautiful pink sunset
 Rachel vowing to never take another sibling picture again

Never did get a picture of all four of them together!

Brothers and Sisters at the Park Sunday Afternoon

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Rachel and Leah

Rachel was able to stay with Leah for the weekend of General Conference because she was going to her on-line private schools distance education conference.  Liahona Academy has their own EFY type conference every year the week following our churches GC.  This was Rachel's first year attending.

My Beautiful Julia

Jared's Pictures of Rachel

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Back to Blogging- Better than FaceBook!!

I miss my family blog and wish I would've spent more time posting pictures here than on Face Book.
I have missed a whole year of family pictures and events which makes me feel like I need to go back and make up all I missed but I think I will not over-whelm myself and just take it one day at a time.
I am teaching two levels in home-school, 7th and 4th, and with them both using Liahona Academy it is quite time consuming.  I also signed them both up for extra-curricular classes through my charter school on both Tuesdays and Thursdays so there does not seem like there is enough hours in my day anymore to get every thing done.  Live and learn... only one day a week from now on for extra curricular!!!.