Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sleepy Zoe

Cami and Brandon celebrated their 4th wedding anniversary by going to Napa to stay at my sister-in-laws parents bed and breakfast. It was the first time I got to take care of Zoe over night. She was such a perfect little angel when it came to going to bed. First while playing with her toys she started to suck her thumb so I could tell she was getting tired, then she walked over to me while I was sitting in the maroon chair, and started playing with her hair while continuing to suck her thumb.  I picked her up and she snuggled down on my shoulder...I put her in her crib about 15 minutes later.  She fussed a little for a few minutes and then was out until 8am the next morning.  So, so sweet!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sweet Baby Zoe 1 year Pictures

Pictures by Erin Noel Designs. 1st Birthday present from Grandpa Sheldon and Grandma Lisa.
These pictures turned out so beautiful; Zoe looks like a little doll.

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Justin Beaver

Rachel:  "I hate Justin Bieber"

David:  "I don't, I like Justin BeaVer!"

 Daddy gets home from his Ulink meeting and gets hello hugs from all of his babies.
 Julia's inventive hairstyle for Rachel's tumbling class.
 Silly goofy David and Rachel.