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Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
I got out of the shower this morning to Julia excitedly knocking on my bathroom door telling me to look at her snowball. My first reaction was to think that what she had was a piece of hail but as I looked closer to what she was showing me I realized that it really was a snowball! I thought my days of living where it snowed were over now that I live in the Sacramento Valley but I guess not!

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Christmas Picture 2003

Rachel at about 15 months. I love when she whispers "I love you" in the middle of the video and then says it so sweetly at the end in her babyish way.
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Saturday, November 28, 2009
Chickens in Pine Grove
"I cool dude"
We put Jared's sunglasses on Rachel so if she got pecked they wouldn't get her eye...The rooster that got made into stew for the trunk or treat pecked her on the eye lid; that's when Daddy decided it was time to learn how to butcher our poultry.
Jared taking Rachel to see the chickens. It was surprising how much fun the kids had chasing those chickens around.
Jared, Julia and Rachel Nov 2004
Was this really five years ago? It's going by too quickly! This was the picture I gave everyone for Christmas that year. I remember it took forever to get a picture where all three of them would look at the camera at the same time! At two, Rachel kept wondering off so I took a flower pot, covered it with that green blanket and sat her on it. This picture makes me miss my Pine Grove house just a litte bit, my side yard was awesome for taking pictures.

Friday, November 27, 2009
Jared's First Pop-Rocks Experience
Going through some old computer cd's I came across this letter Jared had written to his cousin sweet!
November 3, 2004
Dear Tyler,
Thank you for sending me a letter. I laughed so hard when I felt those pop-rocks on my tongue I almost cried! They tickled! I never had pop-rocks before!

I’m not meaning to gross you out but we killed one of our roosters with a hatchet, that’s a type of ax. Some times we use a hatchet to put pegs in the ground for a tent. We took rooster stew to our trunk or treat at church. We get a lot of eggs from our hens. Some times we get blue eggs but most of the time we get brown and I’m serious they lay them blue, we don’t paint them. I wish you could come over and see them. Wait! You can! (Aunt Sabrina, please let Tyler come over.)
I had lot of fun playing soccer this year, come over and see my trophy, it is small but it is a trophy. Have you played soccer?
Nice tank, here’s one for you. Do you like my picture that I made you?
I hope I see you soon.
Your friend,
November 3, 2004
Dear Tyler,
Thank you for sending me a letter. I laughed so hard when I felt those pop-rocks on my tongue I almost cried! They tickled! I never had pop-rocks before!

I had lot of fun playing soccer this year, come over and see my trophy, it is small but it is a trophy. Have you played soccer?

I hope I see you soon.
Your friend,
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Rachel spent the afternoon rollerskating and playing hide and go seek with some neighborhood friends. I called her in the house about 5pm, by 6pm she had wrapped herself in a blanket, turned on the fire place and was sound asleep on the fire place bricks! Poor baby still doesn't feel all that great even though her sore-throat and fever are gone.

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