Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Little Brotherly Help

The boys and I went to get our hair cut today. While I was finishing up, Jared and David were in the waiting area with a little girl who was about 5 or 6, waiting for her Mom too. Jared told David he should say "Hi" to the little girl and David replied back to Jared, "You come with me." After about a minute of David circling around the little girl, who was too busy playing with a couple of stuffed animals to notice David's advances, David finally went back over to Jared and said, "What her name?" So Jared asked the little girl her name and she replied, "Jennifer". So David walked back over to the little girl and timidly said, 'Hi". She just glanced at David and turned back around and continued to play with her stuffed animals. So David walked back over to Jared and whispered, "Jared, this thing not working!" Jared started laughing so hard that Jennifer finally turned and looked right at them and then David, a little louder with a wave of his hand said, "Hi, my name David. Jennifer said hi back to David and they started a little kid conversation. TOO CUTE!
Spiritual Enlightenment...go here

Monday, March 30, 2009

Our Oakie Finoke Girl

Rachel's top right front tooth has been loose since Christmas. She lost her bottom right tooth on Christmas day when she bit into a candy cane but that top one just hangs on and wiggles this way and that creating a little gap that makes her look like she should be living some where near the
Appalachian Mountains. I really can't believe my baby girl will be seven this August.

Inspirational Quote

M. Russell Ballard
A mother's nurturing love arouses in children, from their earliest days on earth, an awakening of the memories of love and goodness they experienced in their premortal existence. Because our mothers love us, we learn, or more accurately remember, that God also loves us.
Ensign, March 2006

Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Day in the Country with Friends

We went up to Daffodil Hill today with our friends Korie and Jaron Ward. It was a beautiful, sunny spring day and all the daffodils were incredible. I can't imagine all the work that went into planting 16 acres of flowering bulbs! Sheldon and Jaron and some of the kids hiked up to the top of this hill by our old house in Pine Grove, (15 minutes from Daffodil Hill). Sheldon's cell phone took some pretty decent pictures of the kids and the incredible view.

Driving up to Daffodil Hill, going over and checking out our old house and then driving home made me realize how much I don't miss living in the country. I love living five minutes from a Costco and 15-20 minutes from any shopping I need to do. Only 10 minutes to get to church instead of 20-25 minutes is just so much better.