Julia's first combined activity for Mutual was an etiquette dinner. She and Jared sat at the same table with her friend Teaghan and two other boys, Jackson and Jayden. Julia had a great time because Jared and Jayden cracked a lot of jokes and kept the conversation going so there were no
awkward silences at their table which seemed to be a problem when she talked to some of her other friends about their dinner experiences. It was wonderful talking to Jared and Julia when they came home and hearing about what a fun time they had together. Especially when they were telling me about Brother and Sister Goold's skit about how
not to act in a restaurant, with Bishop Laret as the Restaurant manager. In Julia's words- "That was just so funny!" The only bad thing about the night was Julia and Jared were allergic to the nuts on the appetizer and the chocolate in the desserts! (Chocolate chip cookies and brownies!)