Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Day at Home in May

I started out the day taking pictures of David playing in his new firetruck with a real working hose that my Mom bought David for his birthday present. (His birthday is not until Aug. but my Mom couldn't pass up the great sale price on this "perfect for David" gift; so he got his present early this year!). Then when Rachel and David went outside to play with the firetruck and water the plants their cute exclamations of surprise at seeing the first lily of the year open was so adorable, then they were so cute working together watering the plants, one pumping and the other one using the hose, taking turns. Rachel found a lady bug and showed David and then let him hold it, he was excited but a little scared too when it started climbing from his thumb up to his wrist when he stopped being scared and said, "It's ticklely!" Mean while Julia had decided to make ginger bread cookie men. Rachel read David "The Gingerbread Man" and by the time Rachel was finished Julia had the cookies ready. I have felt so busy all the time lately, always having something I have to go do; but this last Monday was a day I was able to just stay home all day and enjoy the sweetness of my three youngest children: such a blessing.
The first video is of David telling Grammy thank you for his firetruck. The second one is of him eating his gingerbread man:)

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Trip to Monterey

Sheldon won a trip to Monterey so we took Jared and Julia with us and left Rachel and David at home with Cami and Brandon. We tried to get Rachel and one of the older kids to go because Rachel didn't get to go when Jared and Julia went to Disney Land with Nonnie but as soon as she found out Cami was going to baby-sit her she wanted to stay home to be with Cami. Her picture and journal page told the reasons why...I love the "She almost said yes to everything!"
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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

All my kids came to church with us for Mother's Day and to hear Julia's first talk in Sacrament meeting. Daddy fixed a nice dinner and a super scrumptious dessert.
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Julia's First Talk in Sacrament

Julia gave her first talk in Sacrament meeting today. She was asked to speak on developing her divine nature. She did an awesome job! I am so proud of the young woman she is becoming. She is so beautiful both inside and out!!!

Piano/Voice Recital 2010

Julia and Rachel arrived early to practice their
songs and to warm up their voices...

Rachel and Julia with their teacher Kristen Kroes.
David sat quietly through most of the hour long recital with the promise that there would be cookies at the end. As soon as we stood up he was asking, "Can we get cookies now?!"
Rachel was allergic to all the cookies but was happy to drink pink punch.

Rachel singing/playing "Lavender's Blue" (I only got the
last third of it, then singing "In The Leafy Treetops".

Rachel playing "All Together/Alouette Medley"
and then "Ode to Joy" Love her little curtsie at
the end!

Julia singing/playing Red River Valley

Julia playing "Young Prince and Princess From Scheherazade"

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Strawberries for Dessert

While I was outside tonight watering my parched plants I noticed that a lot of the strawberries were getting ripe! Rachel got David a bowl and he picked himself a fresh bowl of strawberries for dessert!

Telling me I need to wash them so he can eat them now.

David likes to eat his strawberries with the tops cut
off but left whole and always with a fork.
He was very stingy with sharing "his" bowl of strawberries; I was able to sneak a few while I washed them but Jared was only able to talk him out of one.

Brandon & Little Sisters

Our oldest son Brandon came over last Thursday to service our pool and I took a picture of him with his little sisters Julia and Rachel. Pretty soon he will have his own little baby girl...I'm so excited for little Zoe to be here...August seems forever away!