Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Julia Leaving for Girls Camp

My sweet girl Julia, is off to her first year of girls camp this morning...her Daddy is one of the drivers up to Camp Bountiful. Julia has been in a whirl-wind of activity packing for camp these past few days. As she was walking out the garage door to get in the car to leave, I saw her bathing suit on top of the dryer and said, "Don't you need your bathing suit?" to which she immediately said, "Yes! Thank-you MOM!" She then went on to tell me how worried she was she would forget it and she almost did! It's nice to know she still needs her Mommy to save her day every once in awhile:)

Julia after she has arrived at Camp Bountiful and is all checked in.

This picture was taken Saturday, the 31st, the day Julia arrived home from camp.

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