Monday, October 5, 2009

It felt good to get outside today in the cool fall air. David started not feeling very well last Wednesday, complaining of a headache, his eyes hurting and telling me, "If I don't drink some water, I'm going to die!" By that night I tried to give him some baby Motrin for his headache, it wasn't in his tummy for five minutes when everything from lunch and dinner came back up...yuk, eww, yuk! I hadn't felt that great all day either, not turning on the air conditioner- the thermometer reading 82 in the house, yet I was cold, that's just not normal for me. I usually put the thermostat at 78 and I'm still hot and everyone else is just right or cold. I thought I was going to "lose it" myself trying to clean up. Luckily Julia took pity on me and helped me clean up the mess on the carpet. Thursday morning Rachel woke up and was deathly pale and complaining of a headache and her tummy hurting. I canceled piano/singing lessons for the girls and tried to prepare myself for a week of stomache flu. David only got sick that once and Rachel never did throw up. So far so good, no one else in the house seems to be getting sick...

Jared earned some video game time by taking out a bush for me in the front yard. It took him about an hour to do it but he really felt like he accomplished something by the time he was done.

Julia had fun riding her bike around the block. (I'm trying to not be so paranoid about letting her out of my sight).

Little Miss Rachel has to do whatever her big sister is doing...It drove her nuts Julia got to ride around the block when she had to stay on the side walk in front of our house, just up and down our street. We cut her hair shorter; those pigtail braids are just too cute.

David also had fun riding his little Diego Scooter up and down the street...this was the best picture I could get of him, he wouldn't ever stop moving!

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