Sunday, August 29, 2010

Real Men Wear Pink

Sheldon and Jared came home from church today and made dinner because I stayed home, not feeling so great. They had to go home-teaching after dinner so Jared, wanting to stay clean, borrowed his sister's pink apron. Julia is visiting her great-grandmother so wasn't here to object. He looked so darn cute I had to get up and take a picture; Jared was surprisingly OK with it! Seriously there is nothing better than when your husband and kids take over meal preparations when you're feeling sick.

Jared making au gratin potatoes for the first time.

Helping his Dad pound the chicken flat and
adding the chopped garlic and herbs
Sheldon can't resist using his barbeque fork on Jared...
Being sweet and helpful...this had to be documented on my blog so I would remember that his 14th year was not all arguing and exasperation. Love You, Jared
Thanks for being such a great son today!

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