Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What's a Quarry?

David loves to watch Jared build legos. The other day Jared had David on his lap as he was building and he showed David this little room he had built that he had put some lego crystals inside. David said, "You build quarry?" Jared was amazed that David even knew what a quarry was so he came downstairs to tell me. I was brushing Julia's hair at the time and when Julia asked what a quarry was Jared had even more fun teasing his sister that her three year old brother had a better vocabulary than she did. We can only guess that David learned the meaning of the word quarry from Bob the Builder. Jared keeps teasing Julia that she should watch more "Sprout, Preschool on TV, she might learn something!"

This is the latest set Jared talked me into getting while we were at Walmart the other day. He said it was easy enough that David could help him. It has a real working catapult, (notice the little blue lego David has catapulted into the air). David is so lucky to have an older brother who loves him so much and plays with him everyday.

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