Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

Sheldon and Jared got back from scout camp yesterday. They were covered in dirt and dust from head to toe, I mean really, really dirty! After they both went upstairs to take a long shower, I wanted to kick myself for not taking a picture! I have gotten so much better at taking pictures though...I went to get some pictures of past 4th of Julys and there was next to none. My last camera's batteries needed to be charged after about 10 pictures so I hardly ever took it with me and if I did there would only be a few pictures of that event unless I took my charger with me, which didn't happen very often except maybe Thanksgiving and Christmas. I didn't really feel like taking that many pictures this 4th but Cami took over for me so we still have some pictures of our rather boring celebration. Sheldon and Jared didn't get home until after noon but the rest of us had planned on going to the stake breakfast. I got up at 6:30 am and tried to get Julia and Rachel up to get ready but they wouldn't get up, (Julia claims she has no recollection of trying to be woken up). Anyways, I got frustrated with the girls and just went back to bed, so no pancake breakfast for us. Brandon called up on his break from work and wanted to come over so we barbequed and swam with a vague plan to go to Hagen Park and watch the fireworks...the parking situation at Hagen Park sounded complicated with parking at some elementary school parking lot with a fee of $10 and then taking a bus to the park, that never happened. Our backyard neighbors had lots of fireworks and a few people had some pretty awesome fireworks, that went fairly high in the sky, that they must have been setting off at the park. Our kids weren't totally deprived of fireworks, but all in all our 4th was pretty low key. It's about all I was up for though.
My favorite memory of the night is when I was in the pool with my oldest son Brandon and he was irritated with Jared because Jared, being over tired from his week at camp was being a grumpy disobedient buggar...Brandon said something like, If I acted like that I would have wanted to "smack the crap" out of myself. (He so did act like that at times!) When Brandon said that I laughed so hard, (the only reason I included that picture of me in the pool laughing). You would've had to be his mother during his teenage years to understand just how very funny him making that comment was...It only took him until he was 25 years old but he finally gets it! :)
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