Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sleeping In

I have always had to get up early...I ran a home daycare for five years, then was a foster mother for 14 years after that...If I didn't have one of my own six children as babies to get up early with there was always a foster baby or toddlers or foster children to get ready for school, (they had to be at the bus stop at 7am in Pine Grove).
I woke up this morning a little late; I was tired from cannery last night, had insomnia because I was worried about my daughter-in-law who has been ill and the storms of the last few days have been so noisy I've been waking up frequently even when I do finally fall asleep. One of the blessings of homeschooling is if you really need to sleep in you can, especially if you have older children that can take over some what in the morning, plus Sheldon was up working at home. I came downstairs this morning to Julia teaching Rachel how to use her little lap loom she recieved for Christmas. I felt so blessed to be at a point in my life where I can sleep-in if I need to! I've been mourning the fact that I am too old to have any more babies of my own lately but this morning really made me count my blessings!

Jared ready to head off into the storm with his Dad to get his school done at the office; where there is peace and quiet.
Julia working on knitting her scarf, (she has been working on that thing for two years!)
While Julia made oatmeal for breakfast and I started some turkey spagetti sauce for lunch, Rachel and David played house/baby.

Rachel wanted to show me how her baby sucks her thumb...the proud dolly mommy.
Another favorite game of Rachel and David lately is playing school...Rachel helping David get a drink from his new water bottle that came with his new "WallE" back-pack that Grammy bought him. Rachel was playing "circle time reading" on the Christmas tree skirt that is still not put away.
Rachel reading to David and helping him count the pictures.
David a few days back, (when there was sunshine!), eating one of his favorite snacks; cut up apple slices.

Most of my pictures of my children are in their pajamas lately...I'm tired and getting children dressed before about noon is almost beyond me at the moment. Plus with this cold weather, Rachel and Julia especially resist getting out of their cozy P.J's. I finally got the referral for a cardiologist, my appointment is this Friday so I look forward to hearing what he has to say about my problems.

Cute thing David said this morning: He was standing right by me when I was taking a handful of vitamins and I dropped one. I said, "Could you pick that up for Mommy?" he quickly bent down and got it for me and as he was handing it up to me with his little hand, said proudly, "I just the right size for getting things!"

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