Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Brandon's Smilebox of Zoe & Meeting Aunties Julia and Rachel and Uncle David

Brandon sent me a smilebox of some pictures of Zoe with a video of her with hiccups at the end, then I added the pictures of Zoe meeting her Aunties Julia and Rachel and her Uncle David taken on the day she came home from the hospital, 8/19.
(Jared was at Taekwondo, so hasn't met his new niece yet).
Brandon called me when he was on his way to work today and told me that Zoe had a doctor's appointment today. The doctor said she was perfectly healthy and she now weighs 8lbs 4oz, up 6oz from her birth weight of 7lbs 14oz.
You need to press play a second time to make this smilebox start after you press main play button. It stalls right before the video so when it stops just click next.
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