Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Zoe 8 Days Old

Brandon is a Daddy so in love with his little Zoe. Rachel was super happy to get
to hold her adorable niece.

Pure joy to feed Zoe a bottle today. As Rachel and David gently rubbed her soft head, Zoe's sighs of contentment were precious to hear. When Zoe wrapped her little hand around mine to hold on as I fed her the bottle I can't describe how blessed and happy I felt to be holding my sweet little grand-daughter! Grandpa Sheldon took a break from work to come get a Zoe fix too... She seriously is addictingly sweet! Zoe loves to hear her Daddy's voice...her little face blossomed into the biggest smile as he was talking to her! Soooo Precious!

This smilebox has the video I took of Brandon talking to Zoe when she smiled this big smile...
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