This picture is the only one I could find of Grandma and Sabrina together. Remember when you two came up to our Pine Grove house and Sheldon made you a Prime Rib birthday dinner?
This is a letter my sister-in-law Sabrina wrote her Mom this Mother's Day...I 've been so blessed in the wonderful woman who is the mother of my husband.
Lessons I learned from my mom
Today is Mother’s Day and I sat in church, I listened as the speaker talked about some of the lessons he had learned from his mother. I thought it was sweet and insightful to hear a grown man acknowledge how much his life had been shaped by his mother. I couldn’t help thinking of you, my own dear mom, and some of the lessons I have learned from you. Some lessons have been taught with words, some with actions, but all have been taught with the heart.
One of the qualities I love about you most is your compassion. You have compassion for anyone around you – whether it is for one of your own children or a stranger you have read about in the paper. You truly care about others and it hurts you to see anyone hurt or struggle. You are kind. You try to lift others’ burdens with your time, phone calls, visits, errands, or dropping by a meal.
You have always been a great listener (even after you lost your hearing!J). I can tell you anything -- about a funny thing my kids did or my agony over my latest frustration. You take it all in without judgment. You call me often -- sometimes just to check in and sometimes to find out how I’m really doing.
You always offer a soft place to land. No wonder I always feel better when I walk through your front door. I know that no matter what, you will offer peace, support, and unconditional love. No wonder your home and your life have always been filled with so many family and friends.
You have, of course, taught me about the value of money. You are forever finding the best deals in town, whether it is the10 cent toy, the free refills, or the after Christmas clearance. I have told you that you are sometimes frustrating to shop for, knowing you can find almost anything for half the price. But joking aside, I know it is because you have sacrificed and worked hard for every penny that you handle it so carefully. You have taught me to stretch a dollar much farther than it would normally go.
You have taught me to have lasting values. You have taught me that there is nothing more important than God and family. You have taught me that your faith was stronger than your fear as you left for a far away mission. You have taught me with your life that you love the Lord and want to return to Him someday. You have taught me to endure, even when I want to give up and give in. And during one of my most trying times, you put your arms around me and reminded me that my Savior knew and understood my troubled heart and that I was not alone.
You have taught me that a mother’s love never runs out, even when her kids grow up. You acknowledge that being a mother is one of the hardest jobs ever, and that it is okay to have days when the kids are driving me crazy. You also remind me how sweet and fleeting motherhood is and that even though it is one of the hardest jobs, it can also be the most rewarding. You have reminded me to sit still and enjoy a sleeping baby on my chest, instead of worrying about everything else I need to do. You have taught me to appreciate the sweet and tender moments with my kids. Because of you I take more time for the simple things– like taking a walk to collect flowers or cuddling up in a chair to read another storybook.
You have taught me that a grandma can never have too many grandkids in her heart or on her lap. From you I have learned that no matter how large our family grows, each member is important and precious to you.
Because of you, I am a better person today. Thank you for teaching me so much about life and love, Mom. Happy Mother’s Day.
I love you.