Friday, May 15, 2009

We left for a weeks vacation Friday, May 1st. We have never left our kids for more than a weekend. Saturday, May 2, we went to Universal Studios and had a really fun day.
Sheldon built me a castle at La Cabrillo State beach, near Malibu on our way to Long Beach. Our Mexican Cruise left from Long Beach on Monday. The Cruise stopped at Catalina but because of the Swine Flu did not stop at Ensenada. I was so ready for the cruise to be over by Friday morning when we got off the ship.
Catalina Island with our cruise ship "Paradise" in the background. Our only "excursion" was going on a submerine submersible, it was fun to see all the fish feed.
This picture was taken at Universal Studios on Sat, when Sheldon saw this picture he said, "You should put All the Wrong Stuff for the caption if you post that on your blog", too funny!
I feel kind of pathetic but I missed my kids so much by Monday when we were boarding the cruise I was already ready to come home. It was nice though to take a break from laundry, cooking, cleaning and whining.

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