Thursday, May 28, 2009

Recital 2009

Rachel was being such a goofy ham in this picture right before we left for the recital. She was giggly, excited and nervous and then she strikes this pose and says, "Take a picture of me Mom and post it on your blog". (I've created a cute little blog monster!)
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"If I didn't have to sing, I could worry about nothing!!
"That was the most nerverackingest thing ever!!!
Julia Maughan
We are soooo proud of Julia for getting up in front of everyone and singing. A little over a year ago she started voice, she could barely carry a tune, (she takes after her Mom), so I thought with lessons she would be able to have confidence in singing by the time she entered Young Womens, (she turns 12 in Jan). She has made such a huge improvement and loves to sing now, although she said she would rather leave the solos to someone else.

Rachel loves, loves, loves to play the piano; I can hardly keep her off it! Her little tummy hurt she was so nervous but she did wonderful. The second song is called Clown, it always sounds to me like she is messing up but that is just suppose to be the clown being funny.

Julia's Piano- She practiced until she really knew her songs, she said, "This was the easy part!" (Rachel is such a crack-up with her "Itchy Attack" in the bottom left corner during the second half of the second song:)

My favorite part of her performance is when she gets to the end of "I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home" and she gets that sweet little smile because she is going to give Sheldon a kiss at the end of her song. She had been telling him all week he was going to get a "surprise" at her recital.

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