Friday, June 12, 2009

Brandon's Big Beautiful Smile

When Brandon was little I use to tease him and say, "Don't smile too big Brandon, it's not fair to the little girls!" He would roll his eyes and shake his head at me but he always had such a big beautiful smile, combined with those big brown eyes with thick, long, curly eye-lashes; it was a combination that had to have made even little girls hearts flutter! I truly felt sorry for all the hearts I knew he would break-even if unintentionally. (Don't all Mom's feel this way when they look into their son's faces?)
Cami- Sometimes you hear about Moms that think there is never going to be anyone out there that will be good enough for their sons...Just know that I am so grateful Brandon found you and that smile of his worked it's magic on you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa,
    You are so sweet and I am lucky to have been married into such a loving family. And yes his smile did work it's magic on me, it was the first thing I noticed about him. Love you, Cami.
