Sunday, June 28, 2009

Honesty Always the Right Choice?

Judging people can take many forms. Some see others lives as so much easier than their own; other's struggles and difficulties in life as not as hard to deal with than the struggles they have had to endure. Maybe they are right and maybe they are wrong; you never know just by looking at the outward appearance of people how hard or easy their lives are or have been. It's comforting to know that God knows what each of us needed to experience on this journey to earth to help each of us individually to progress. Isn't that what being a child of God is all about? That we are his literal sons and daughters, he knows each of us as individual children of His and he knows what is best for each of us? I like to think Heavenly Father thought long and hard about what life situation I would experience to best help me in my eternal progression before he sent me to earth. I know if I could pick that for my children I would.

I had a little crying breakdown at church today...tired from my brothers engagement party in Napa yesterday in 100+ degree weather with kidneys that don't do well when I let myself get dehydrated, grumpy husband in Sacrament meeting, I didn't eat breakfast because I woke up too late so I had a headache and then the contention in the Sunday school class I was in just put me over the edge. Throw in a little sypathetic concern from a sister at church and you have the makings of a crying jag...crying too much when you already have a headache is not a good idea.

Is honesty always the best policy? How about when you really need a job, you need to feed your children...Is it ok to lie/exaggerate on your resume to ensure that you get the job, so your children will eat? Usually at church the right answer is pretty wasn't so obvious today. I think I just might not be strong enough to not exaggerate/outright lie if I thought my children were going to go hungry but the small part of my brain that is logical says of course you would tell the truth, be honest, keep the commandments. The gospel is so easy to talk about but a lot harder to put into action. This is what started the contention in Sunday school today. If you have never lived a situation this hard do you really know if you would be honest or not? How do you know how hard my life has been?!....(Both of the people in Sunday school being contentious I actually admire most of the time..they often honestly share lessons learned from past mistakes and I have felt the spirit as they sincerely bear their testimonies).

I think more and more we are going to be in situations that test us to the core and I know for me I need to get to the point that I have faith that doing what God has asked me to do will always be the choice I make.

Ether 12:27
And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

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