Tuesday, August 18, 2009

FHE Feed the Ducks

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We had two Family Home Evenings this week; first we went out to the Folsom Powerhouse trying to find a place to feed some ducks but there were no ducks that wanted to be fed there, even though it was very pretty there and we had fun exploring. We ended up at Negro Bar where we were able to feed some ducks and barbeque some hotdogs. We weren't able to eat our watermelon though because Jared forgot to grab the knife his Dad told him to get to cut it, we ate it when we came home though.

Memorable Moments: David saying, "Bemember when we fed the ducks." When Rachel asked Sheldon what ducks eat and he answered, "Mostly the fish in the lake and little girls toes." (The look on her face was so funny!) Rachel sitting down by me on the picnic table bench, her tummy full from just finishing her hotdog, but with her orange soda still in her hand, she leaned her sweet head against my arm, sighed and then said, "This is the life!"

We also did a group FHE on Monday night which was fun even though Sheldon told me he didn't think we would be doing it this week...I was a little late because I took Jared to Taekwondo but it all worked out in the end!

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