Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Grandpa Shows Zoe a Caterpillar

Sheldon worked from home Friday when he found out Zoe would be coming at 10:30 am to be babysat instead of the usual 12:30 pm.  Grandpa and Zoe went out in the backyard for a little exploring time together; they picked a flower and then brought it in to show me. Then Grandpa discovered he had a little caterpillar on his shirt sleeve. Showing Zoe was some pretty fun stuff.

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Zoe 9-29 and 10-2

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Rachel's French Braid

Rachel was super proud of the french braid she was able to do for Grammy.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 26th with Zoe

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Zoe swimming with Rachel, David and their friends.
Marin's "She trusts me!"  and counting 123 before
they jumped in the pool together were so sweet.

Brandon showing us how he exercises .
Hes's lost 20+lbs with his cute little weights help;) 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First Day of Babysitting Zoe

First day of babysitting our sweet little Zoe now that Cami has gone back to work.  Sweetest moment of the day was when Cami dropped her off a little early so we had some time to talk and she told me that Zoe said to her that she had "four best friends".  She said Cami, Meme (Cami's Mom), Grandma (me!), and Eric were her best friends.  Feeling so happy I made the "best friends" list!

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SkyHigh Home School Mondays

We went to the SkyHigh home-school day. Mondays from 1-2pm and only $5 per hour instead of the regular price of $9. Julia, Rachel, and David had a blast and I now have something that really motivates them to get in and get all their school work done with a good attitude.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

 Julia-the life of a home-schooler. Seminary,  math, go swimming, practice piano, get a snack, work on the rest of school, do chores, go to cheer then come home and collapse.  On the way to piano lessons yesterday she said, "I'm so busy all the time!"
This picture of my Mom, "Grammy" to my kids, makes me so happy,  David did so well at his piano lesson yesterday because he has had my Mom, who took piano from  kindergarten until her sophmore year in high school to help him practice.  The piano they are playing on was an eighth grade graduation present from my Nonnie, my mom's mom.  We just got it tuned yesterday and it sounds fabulous.
I was outside watering yesterday but could hear the piano being played; it was a song my Mom used to play  when I was a little girl.  I thought maybe one of the girls had been looking through Grammy's sheet music and started to play it but when I went in the house it was my Mom playing.  She hasn't really played the piano that much in the last fifteen years or so because of arthritis in her fingers and the piano needing to be tuned.  When I saw her and said, "Oh, I thought it was one of girls playing but that song sounded so familiar from growing up hearing you play it but I thought you couldn't really play anymore?!"  Mom said, "Well with all the piano playing going on aroud here it made me want to play too!"

Julia- I am Unique Project

This was a project for English that Julia put together.

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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Back-handspring Bathing Suit

 Rachel has wanted a new bathing suit this year even though she has three others; although they are small and stretched out they did the job.  I made a deal with her that if she could land her back-handspring without a spot I would get her a new one.  She tried so super hard that even though James still technically spotted her she still did it 98% by herself so we went to Sears to get her a Land's End suit and lucky for me they were 50% off.  She fell in love with the pink polka-dots and ruffles of her new swim suit and looks adorable in it.
Rachel posing in her cute new bathing suit by my beautiful pink tiger lily.

My garden snack this morning while watering; first ripe blueberry I've picked from my garden.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Mother's Day FHE with Brandon, Cami & Zoe

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I hope you know what a wonderful mother you are to me.  I probably haven’t told you enough, but you are.  Being the oldest, I was able to watch you raise my other brothers and sisters as I grew up.  You showed me exactly what to look for in a wife.  I think I did a pretty good job finding a woman that had many of the same qualities I saw in you.  She makes me a better person for being with her.  She has so much love to give.  She has enough patience to put up with me.  She is forgiving.  She is a wonderful teacher and caregiver to our daughter.  These were all things I saw in you as I grew up.  I am so blessed to have two women like that in my life, so close to me. 

Thank you for continuing to love me despite my many imperfections.  Thank you for always being there for me any and every single time I have ever needed you. Thank you for being such a wonderful grandmother to my daughter.  Thank you for being you.  I love you whole bunch.

Happy Late Mother’s Day.

Your Eldest and most Handsome Son,

Saturday, May 12, 2012

"Dad Helped Me Face My Fear!"

When we first moved into our house in August of 2008 David had only just turned 3 and loved going down the pool slide with his life jacket and floaties on.  At the beginning of the next summer the kids helped him climb up the stairs and pushed him down the slide; his feet went up in the air as he slid down on his back.  He was totally terrified as he slid into the pool basically head dunked- feet up.  He has been afraid of big slides ever since.  Even when we would go to the park he quit going down the slides...he was too afraid.  It has been three summers since and finally he was able to overcome his fear of the pool slide today with his Daddy's help.  I got home from a Walmart trip and David couldn't wait to show me that he wasn't afraid to go down the slide. It was so cute when he said, "Dad helped me face my fear!"

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

David with his new "swimming" haircut.
 Amanda came over and brought some new pool toys with her.
 David had tons of fun with his new pool ball.
Love this little boy so much; that tan little nose is so kissable!
 Amanda relaxing in the pool.

Rachel Tumbling April 30, 2012

 Rachel worked really hard at tumbling yesterday to land her standing back handspring,    
Then she worked on a tumbling run; this was the last one she did for class when James her coach told her if she did one more good effort she could be done.  She has really improved over the last few month with James as her coach.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 24 Zoe at Grammy's House

Such a sweet day with Zoe.  She is only 19 months old and an amazing little talker.  The first video in this smilebox is of her telling David there are moneys in Grammy's front porch tree.  Zoe's Great Uncle David, my brother, came over unexpectedly.  Zoe was fascinated as she watched David set up the hose to drain Grammy's pool and then to see all the water flow out into the street was some pretty exciting stuff. 
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