Saturday, May 12, 2012

"Dad Helped Me Face My Fear!"

When we first moved into our house in August of 2008 David had only just turned 3 and loved going down the pool slide with his life jacket and floaties on.  At the beginning of the next summer the kids helped him climb up the stairs and pushed him down the slide; his feet went up in the air as he slid down on his back.  He was totally terrified as he slid into the pool basically head dunked- feet up.  He has been afraid of big slides ever since.  Even when we would go to the park he quit going down the slides...he was too afraid.  It has been three summers since and finally he was able to overcome his fear of the pool slide today with his Daddy's help.  I got home from a Walmart trip and David couldn't wait to show me that he wasn't afraid to go down the slide. It was so cute when he said, "Dad helped me face my fear!"

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