Sunday, June 7, 2009

Backyard Camping

Sheldon thought it would be a good idea if we did a trial run for the ward campout coming up next week. We borrowed my Mom's firepit, set up the tent in the backyard and roasted marshmallows. I tried to be a good sport, make a memory and all that but I just could not help but think how much I dislike camping. The only thing that kept me sane in the tent after we finally went to bed was knowing my real bed was just a few minutes away! Some of our neighbors were having a backyard party and were being noisy and then there were the crickets... At about midnight Sheldon got up and turned the waterfall in the pool on to drown out all the noise but to me the waterfall was deafening. I was so tired by this time though that I fell asleep anyway. I was determined to sleep in the tent with everyone but at 3:30am I awoke to the sound of waterfall and an urgent need to go pee!!! I love trying to find the tent zipper in the dark when you are seriously trying not to pee your pants. David awoke and wanted to come with me so we both went potty and then went upstairs and got into my very own comfortable bed. There's nothing like "camping" to make you appreciate your house, bed and toilet!

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