Sunday, June 14, 2009

"It's a Perfect Day"

David came into the bathroom this morning while I was sitting at my vanity, getting ready for church. He had just woken up and sleepily said, "It's a perfect day". I didn't really understand why he would say that so I asked him, "What's so perfect about it?" and he answered in a voice that was like, isn't it obvious? "It's morning!". Sheldon was in the bathroom too and we just looked at each other and laughed.
It's rather humbling to have my three year old have to be an example to me... I wasn't really feeling like getting myself and everyone else ready for church, I just wanted to go back to sleep. I'm so grateful for my little David that simply showed me that "It's morning and it's a perfect day!"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa. I tried not to even look at your blog because I knew I'd be captivated for endless hours, but you pulled me in with the link to the Father's Day pics, so here I am, hours later...
    I love this wisdom from little David. If only we could all see each new day as a perfect day!
