Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sara and Jill Pool Party

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I had so much fun today swimming with both Sara and Jill and their kids! Jill has a tiny little three month old baby girl, that I was able to hold while Jill swam with her other kids. Oh, how I want one! My baby David,(he'll be four in Aug), was at his Grammy's and missed out on all the fun.
David was so funny this morning when we were snuggying in bed together after Daddy had already gotten up, and Rachel had gotten in Daddy's spot. He told me, "I wished on a dandelion for "buggy beds." I said, "What are buggy beds?" and Rachel piped in and told me that buggy beds were bunk beds. Rachel and David want me to buy them bunk beds so they can sleep in the same room together! They both were trying to talk me into it for about 10 minutes after the start of this conversation. I told them no but thought it was cute that's what they wanted. Of course when my other kids had to share rooms all I ever heard was "If only I had my own room."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the super fun day today! I love your smilebox pictures, I'm gonna have to learn how to do that! You are awesome!
