Saturday, September 26, 2009

Kevin and Hudson Party

It was 101 degrees today! Perfect weather for a pool party...Good thing I had one planned! My Aunt Dee and her Son Dick and his son and Grandson, Kevin and Hudson came for dinner and a swim, only little Hudson just put his feet in. Kevin wasn't able to come a few weeks ago to "Aunt Dee's Party" (That she wasn't able to attend!) so we had a special party just for him. Susan and her Dad, Merrill, were able to attend also as Susan hadn't been able to see Aunt Dee or Kevin for many years. The whole party almost got canceled because Dick spent most of the morning at the hospital with chest pains...the doctor sent him home with some meds and the advice to get less stress! He went home, took a nap and then came for dinner and a game of Wii Golf!
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