Monday, September 28, 2009

Tower of Terror

This is the only picture I have so far of Jared and Julia on their trip. Julia said, "They didn't call this ride the Tower of Terror for nothing!" This is one of those rides where you go up really high and then get dropped straight down in a free fall...this ride was pitch black on the way down and the way up. This picture was taken at the top, right before you are dropped. Jared said Julia was a screaming maniac, although Julia said she was "screaming for joy." Julia also said that she wasn't holding on, on the way down and felt like she was flying up! Woo hoo! Jared knew something was coming, he just didn't know what, (this is the first time he has been willing to go on the really scary rides!)...I love the way his arm is only half way up.

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