Monday, March 15, 2010

Keeping Pool Tradition

Last year the first swim day was March 15th...Jared didn't go swimming with Julia and Erinn in February so he wanted to make sure he kept the tradition of swimming by March 15th; lucky for him it was a gorgeous sunny day! The kids helped with transplanting some strawberries which got them hot and sweaty and ready for a swim.
Jared jumped in first and then Julia followed. Rachel doesn't seem to be feeling that great today so she just dangled her feet in the water a little bit and David did the same.
Julia teasing David she was going to throw him in after he was teasing her that he splashed her.

My columnar peach tree behind Rachel is gorgeous right looking forward to some fresh peaches this year!

Rachel all tuckered out and taking a little rest in the warm sun.

This first video is when Jared jumped in for the first time and then the second video is Jared and Julia doing cannon balls together...kind of!

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