Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Crazy Kids

This is what my crazy kids did last was a sunny day but the pool water was still freezing; they didn't seem to care though. Rachel was feeling better Tuesday and asked all day if she could get in the pool since she missed out on Monday. She likes to get in nice and slow unlike Jared and Julia who want to just jump in and shock themselves with the cold.

David wanted to swim today too but very soon was shivering and wanting out.

I love David's technique to block the sun as I am telling him to give me a smile.
Rachel was so happy to finally get to swim.

Rachel rescued the water can that David threw in the pool...he has a nasty habit of thinking it is funny to throw things in the pool; it drives me nuts.
Happy or pained look on her face, I'm not sure which it is!
Jared asked me, "Mom do I look dorky with my goggles on?" I said, "Of course you don't Jared". I love being a can be so funny sometimes.
Other funny things I have heard my kids say lately:

Julia to Jared- "You're so furry now!"

On the way to Grammy's in the car we smelled a skunk and David yelled, "What's that yucky bacon smell?!!! (You probably had to be there but we all thought it was hysterical).

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