Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spoiled or Loved?

This is why David is soooo spoiled about going to bed. Sheldon gets home late from work most nights but wants to spend time with his baby boy and loves to snuggle David on the couch. David has gotten so use to this arrangement that when you want him to be like a normal four year old and go to bed and stay in bed he acts like you are punishing him...and when I complain to Sheldon that he needs to put David to bed (when he is asleep) and he says, "but I want to cuddle him", what's a Mommy to do? Both Sheldon and I have become such "softies" in our old age!


  1. You have to get all the cuddles in while they still let you. Brandon and I will be huge softies, we already are. That's why I love to snuggle with Rachel, there may come a day when she believes she is too old for that. I have to enjoy it while I can.
